What Are The Benefits of LISS Cardio?

We’ve all heard of the incredible health benefits of HIIT cardio and how it can boost metabolism as well as spiking hormone response and fat burning. But what about LISS cardio?

You should look no further than LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) cardio for your next gym outing.

You’ll burn some serious calories, help your body recover from hitting the weights or other HIIT sessions throughout the week and even work your cardiovascular system all within one workout session. Given the following health benefits, you’ll be chomping at the bit to get LISS incorporated into your weekly routine.

What is LISS?

LISS stands for Low-Intensity Steady State cardio. As its name suggests, it is any form of cardio exercise where you maintain the same low-intensity cardio pace (that is, a steady state) for a set period of time. 

The truth is though, low-intensity cardio exercise has been used by many professionals in the fitness industry for a long time, as a way to complement their intense training! 

That’s why I included it in my program — I wanted to share with you what so many people in the fitness industry already knew was a beneficial form of exercise.

What is the difference between LISS cardio and HIIT?

LISS is a completely different form of cardio compared to HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training). HIIT focuses on quick bursts of high-intensity cardio followed by a rest period. For example, sprinting all-out for 30 seconds on a treadmill, followed by a short period of rest before beginning again. This cycle of work-rest periods is then repeated for 10-15 minutes. 

HIIT cardio raises your heart rate fast because of the high intensity of the exercises. This can cause an “after-burn effect”, where your body can continue to burn fat even after you have stopped exercising.  

Why is LISS cardio good for you?

Combined with regular HIIT training, incorporating LISS into your workout routine can help you see results faster. 

These are the reasons why I recommend including LISS cardio into your training program:

1. LISS is easy — and free

If you are new to fitness, LISS is an easy, low-intensity form of exercise that you can start out with. You don’t have to go to a gym to do it, or step outside of your comfort zone too much. Starting a new fitness journey can be intimidating, so LISS workouts can be a great way to ease into a new routine in a way that isn’t as scary. 

2. LISS builds fitness levels

If you are looking to build up your fitness or haven’t exercised in a while, LISS is a great way to do this! 

Because it is low-intensity cardio, this also means that it can be a great form of exercise for someone who is recently recovering from an injury or illness and needs to ease back into fitness.

Not only is LISS simple to do but if you are already working out, it is an easy addition to your exercise routine. This is because LISS generally does not place a lot of strain on your body, meaning it may be done several times per week.

3. LISS is easy to stick with

If you don’t like doing high-intensity cardio such as HIIT, then LISS is a great way to get moving because it is easy to stick to. I prefer to complete my LISS on the treadmill, or if I am travelling by going for a walk and listening to some music, which makes it super relaxing and enjoyable. If you don’t think about it as a chore or something you absolutely HAVE to do, you will be surprised at how much you want to do it.

4. LISS is great for recovery

If you have had a few tough training sessions during the week, adding in another HIIT or resistance session may not be the best idea for your body. Low-intensity cardio can be a great way to still fit exercise in because it is low impact. This means that you are unlikely to impede your recovery by training over the top of sore muscles. LISS can actually help to increase blood flow to damaged muscles and help reduce post-workout stiffness.

5. LISS helps to burn fat

Training at a lower intensity means that more oxygen is available to your body. As fat needs oxygen in order to be broken down, the more oxygen you can give your body, the more fat you may be able to burn.

If your goal is to lose body fat, combining both HIIT and LISS into your routine is an efficient way to achieve this.

While HIIT can be great for burning stored body fat and calories in a short amount of time, LISS is an important addition to your workout routine because it helps your body metabolise fat — something that HIIT doesn’t do. 

If you choose to only do LISS and not HIIT, your body may also begin to break down stored muscle as it burns energy, which means you may potentially lose muscle and strength!

How to Perform LISS Cardio

LISS is typically performed for a steady pace over a duration of 30-60 minutes with 30 minutes being the absolute minimum.

Fat burning can occur once you hit the 20-minute mark, but overall conditioning of the heart and cardiovascular system doesn’t occur until you get up past constant movement of at least half an hour.

Unlike with HIIT cardio, there is absolutely zero rest during this type of exercise. No work for 20 seconds and rest for double the work time- LISS cardio is straight work for a long period.

For those who think that LISS is for the beginner or the under advanced within the gym, you’re absolutely wrong. Although it shouldn’t be your only tool in your toolbox, LISS can be performed almost everyday.

Depending on your fitness level, you really can pick any cardiovascular exercise to perform for a constant time period. If you’re like me, running or walking on the treadmill just isn’t for me.

So, grab a stationary bike at the gym or grab your mountain bike from the house and take a spin for 30-45 minutes. Your intensity level should be around 30%-40% of your maximum output.

Some say on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being lying on the couch watching TV and 10 be running for your life from an African lion, you should be slightly less than halfway in between the two.

LISS workout ideas

There are so many types of LISS that you can incorporate into your fitness schedule! The beauty of this type of cardio is that there are so many options for you to choose from, that you don’t ever have to get bored of repeating the same kind of low-intensity cardio.

Here are some suggestions of LISS exercises that you can include in your workout routine. I recommend mixing it up as often as you can to keep it interesting!

Types of LISS cardio:

  • Walking at a moderate pace

  • Going hiking

  • Steady cycling either on a spin-cycle bike or outdoors

  • Steady rowing

  • Swimming

  • Using cardio equipment at the gym, such as the elliptical trainer, at a steady and moderate pace

  • Recreational activities that can be done at a steady state, such as skateboarding or surfing.

The great thing about LISS is that it can easily fit in with your lifestyle! You can choose anything you like if you are able to do it at a steady and moderate pace for around 30-45 minutes.

I’ve mentioned this before but if you like to walk your dog for LISS, it only counts if they’re the type of dog who can walk briskly and doesn’t stop every two seconds to sniff or explore! Remember, it’s called Low-Intensity Steady State cardio for a reason — it needs to be steady! So, if your pet is anything like my two dogs, then taking them for a walk probably can’t count as your LISS! 

Walking your dog is a great way to get outside and spend time with your furry friend though, and this alone can have so many benefits for your health. Maybe just schedule your LISS in at a different time to when you walk your pet!

Health Benefits

The health benefits of low intensity steady state cardio differ from high intensity interval training in that it’s actual quite the opposite.

With a HIIT workout, you’re not actually burning a majority of your calories during the actual work of the exercises.

Rather, you’re burning calories throughout the rest of the next 24-hour period due to enhanced metabolic rate and overall boosted metabolism.

With a typical LISS routine, the majority of the calories burned will all be within the time frame of you actually exercising. So if you’re trying to “burn off” some extra pie you had at grandma’s house yesterday, LISS may be the way to turn to.

One of the major benefits of performing LISS is the enhanced heart function. Your body is under constant work for at least 30-40 minutes and forces your heart to pump a strong, steady pace that will help with overall blood flow and even respiratory health.

Another key point that can be made about LISS cardio is the lack of wear and tear it places on your body. If you think about a typical HIIT workout, it involves lots of high impact jumping, running, cutting and lifting.

This is hard on your tendons and joints and over time will be harder and harder to recover fully if no breaks are taken from this type of work. With LISS, you can essentially perform it every single day if you choose.

Whatever exercise you pick, whether it be biking, walking or swimming, are all extremely low impact and not hard on the physical part of the body.

This part allows you to recover from weight lifting sessions as well as burn additional calories instead of taking a day off completely from the gym.

Take Away

HIIT cardio is all the rage right now and definitely has its positive attributes, but should not be the only form of cardio you implement into your weekly routine.

Low intensity steady state cardio should be used on a weekly basis to help with cardiovascular and just overall heart health, to burn fat while exercising and to also allow your body time to recover from the constant pounding that it takes on from the gym from week to week.

Use LISS throughout the next week and see how it helps improve your performance inside the gym while lifting and outside the gym with just being in overall better shape. Give low intensity steady state cardio a try and you’ll be glad you did!

Time to schedule your LISS in!

As you can see, LISS has many benefits that go far beyond just ‘burning calories’. If you don’t already include LISS into your weekly routine, I would highly recommend it. 

Not only is it great for your body, but it is great for your mind and can help to relax and de-stress you. 

* Results may vary. Strict adherence to the nutrition and exercise guide are required for best results.

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