Virtual Training (Back 2 Basics)

Dont have time to go to the gym? Need personal training but at home? We got you covered!

Items you should have but not required:

  • Yoga mat

  • Jump rope

  • 10 medicine ball or higher

  • A pair of dumbbells 10lbs or higher

  • Step box platform

  • Mini resistance bands

  • Agility ladder

  • Towel and water

In a virtual training setting, clients are often doing exercises at their own customized level of fitness or ability. Great opportunity for one who is limited on time or cant access the gym regularly.

Virtual Personal Training

 We will customize everything specific to your goals once you complete the fitness questionnaire.

here's an in-depth look at the coaching with our one-on-one video calls:

1. Personalized Guidance: Each 60-minute video call session is entirely focused on you and your fitness journey. We'll discuss your goals, progress, and any challenges you're facing. This personalized approach ensures that the coaching is tailored to your specific needs.

2. Progress Checks: These video calls provide an excellent opportunity to track your progress over time. We'll review your achievements and set new milestones, helping you stay on the path to success.

3. Goal Setting: Setting and revising your fitness goals is a key part of the coaching process. We'll work together to establish clear, achievable objectives and develop a plan to reach them.

4. Form and Technique: One of the unique advantages of video calls is the ability to closely monitor your form and technique during workouts. I'll provide real-time feedback to ensure you're performing exercises correctly, which is essential for safety and optimal results.

5. Custom-Tailored Workouts: The sessions can include guided workouts that are customized to your fitness level and goals. Whether you're looking to build strength, improve endurance, or lose weight, we'll create workouts that suit your needs.

6. Motivation and Accountability: Regular video calls serve as a source of motivation and accountability. Knowing that you have a scheduled session helps keep you on track and committed to your training plan.

7. Modifications and Progression: I'll be there to adapt workouts, making modifications when needed and challenging you to reach new personal bests. The coaching is dynamic and evolves as you progress.

8. Interactive Training: These calls turn me into your virtual workout partner, making training sessions enjoyable and engaging. We'll make fitness fun and keep you inspired to stay consistent.

In summary, our one-on-one video calls provide comprehensive coaching, combining personalized guidance, goal setting, form correction, and motivational support. It's an interactive and effective way to achieve your fitness goals and stay on the path to success.

1 on 1 Virtual Training pricing:

1 hour session

1 session: $75

10 sessions: $600