Reach The Peach Training


All Space Cadets Get Ready For blast Off!

Glute building 101

Reachthepeach Program Overview

is a 90 day or 12 week program during the course you will be required to follow the exercise and nutrition plans not only when you come to us from training, but also outside of training, focusing on nutrition like protien consumpution, water intake, and also recover which falls under stretching and resting. 5 area which we will focus on is:


5 Focuses For Growth

1. Glute Activation: Activating your glutes before a workout is extremely important.  If you have stubborn glutes, you can activate your glutes beforehand either with or without a resistance band.  Standard exercises like glute bridges, hip extensions, and body weight squats can really activate your glutes and get them ready for leg day.

2. Multiple Leg Days: 3 leg days a week with all different exercises. One is typically including exercises like squats and deadlifts, but two of the three days include glute isolating exercises like kickbacks, walking lunges, hip thrusts, and alternate leg exercises {where you really focus on each glute}.  Focusing on your glutes and making that mind-to-muscle connection can really aid in muscle growth.  Also, don’t forget about your hamstrings! Hamstrings play a key role in the overall tone and shape of your butt.   The hammies have a few key muscles that attach near the glutes. The stronger your hamstrings are, the better your butt looks.

3. Eat, Eat, Eat: This is the fun part.  Shredding will not allow you to build a booty.  Focus on eating healthy carbs around your workout {before and after} and eating plenty of protein, especially post-workout.  If you’re wanting to shred for a certain amount of time, still do glute exercises, but you won’t see a huge difference in muscle growth.  In order to build muscle, you must ‘bulk’ for a certain period of time.  This allows you to increase your calories and strategically build muscle {especially after leg days}.

4. Power Cardio: Think cardio that activates your glutes.  I have my clients doing the stairmaster, walking on a steep incline {at 10-15%}, walking lunges around the building {this really gets your heart rate up}, and step-ups.  Do these all while having that muscle-to-mind connection with your glutes.

5. Weight Progression: Make sure that you’re getting stronger over time.  Don’t become accustomed to the same amount of weight on that barbell.  Add weight as you go — whether it’s 2 lbs, 5 lbs, or 10 lbs.  As you build muscle, the more weight you will need to add. {side note: you should have enough weight that it’s challenging, but not too much as to cause injury}.


How to Grow your Glutes

Most people make two major mistakes in their Glute workouts:

  • they mostly do the wrong glute exercises.

They spend far too much time on machines and isolation exercises and far too little time on compound exercises like squats and deadlifts.

  • They do too much high-rep training.

They train more to get a nice pump rather than to get stronger, which is one of the easiest ways to hit a plateau.

(you should train all your muscles this way — not just your glutes.)

And when they start doing the opposite – more compound exercises than isolation, and more heavy training and emphasis on progressive overload over pump – they start seeing real changes. not only in their glutes but their entire physiques

If you want to build muscle consistently and effectively, you want to focus on heavy (80 to 85% of your one-rep max) compound weightlifting.

In terms of glute workouts, that means the main exercises are heavy barbell and dumbbell squats, deadlifts,lunges, step ups, and hip thrust. supplementary work like glute kickbacks, resistance band work, and cable exercises.

And that’s exactly what I’m going to have you do in the workouts in this article.

Before we get to that, though, let’s talk diet.

How to ReachThePeach in 90 Days

The Diet


You probably know that exercise alone isn’t enough to gain muscle and lose fat.

Ultimately, your success or failure is going to be depended by your diet.

If your body were a car, exercise is the gas pedal and diet is the fuel in the tank.

You have to step on the gas (exercise) to get moving (improve your body composition)…

…but how far will you get without enough of the right fuel?

My point is this:

If you know how to manage your fuel (diet) properly, building muscle and burning fat will be easy and straightforward.

If you don’t, it will be exetremely difficult …if not impossible.

I break it all down in my meal plan guide which is design to promote lean muscle grown and fat lost, which I highly recommend you read and implement in conjunction with the workouts.

If you don’t, you simply won’t get as much out of them as you should.




There’s a reason why people with great physiques are always banging on about the importance of squatting regularly.

It’s just the single most effective movement for building total lower body strength and muscularity.

If you want a great lower body, you want to take your squatting seriously.

Squat deep to make your butt work even harder.

The deeper you squat, the more work your legs and butt have to do.

I recommend either full squats or parallel squats, but not half squats. Here’s a good example of proper depth:

A wider stance hits the glutes more, too.

Research shows that, when squatting with relatively heavy weights, a wide stance increases the amount of activation in the glutes.

Practically speaking, this means adopting a stance that is about 125 to 150% of shoulder-width. Here’s a visual:


If I could only do one exercise every week it would be the deadlift.

It trains everything in your body but your pressing muscles, it builds a tremendous amount of whole body strength and power, and it heavily involves both the hamstrings and glutes.

It also lends itself particularly well to heavy lifting, which is crucial for building muscle as efficiently as possible.

Like the squat, the deadlift is a fairly technical lift that takes some practice to master. Click here to learn proper form.

And in case you’re wondering, research shows that conventional and sumo deadlifts are about equally effective for training the glutes so you can’t go wrong either way. but i found when using the sumo stance, and reaching your hip back at the desending part of the lift really targets the glutes and hamstrings.

I prefer to switch between the two, because with conventional deadlifting because of the increased range of motion (requiring more work to stand the weight up).

A key point worth calling out before we move on is the importance of full glute activation while deadlifting.

You should be squeezing your glutes as you lift the bar off the ground and should feel them especially involved in the upper half of the ascension and lockout.

Hip Thrust

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The hip thrust is a funny looking movement, but it’s also one of the best exercises you can do for isolating and overloading your glutes.

it’s simple and it works.

There are tons of variations of hip thrusts that you can do but the barbell, dumbbell, band, and single-leg variations are what you want to focus on.


Although the lunge isn’t normally thought of as an effective butt exercise, research shows the glutes are very involved with pulling you back to a standing position.

Romanian Deadlift

The Romanian deadlift is a deadlift variation that particularly targets the hamstrings, making it a worthy addition to a glute routine.




Booty bands are alternatively known as ‘mini bands,’ ‘butt bands,’ ‘resistance bands,’ and ‘hip bands,’ depending on your circle of influence. They come in a wide, flat and fixed resistance sizes to adjust as needed.

and also, ankle weights.
