11 Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Your Back Fat

11 Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Your Back Fat

Find out how to lose back fat now.

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You’re Not Using Resistance Training

To burn calories and body fat efficiently, you’re going to have to incorporate a workout regimen that involves back exercises. This involves resistance training that includes machines, dumbbells, or even bodyweight exercises. Find what works for you and stick to it.

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Your cardio’s weak

If you want to get rid of that stubborn back fat, you are going to have to increase the duration, time, and intensity of your cardio. It doesn’t matter what cardio option you chose, just make sure the overall goal is burning body fat.

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Dietary Sabotage

It doesn’t take much to sabotage your hard work in the gym. The first way to do it is by eating poorly. Burning fat and getting a lean sculpted back is going to take discipline and a structured eating plan of healthy proteins and fat and nutritious carbohydrates daily.

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Too much booze

Has one glass of wine a night turned into two or three as it frequently does? With seven calories per gram you better believe the calories will add up. Moderation is the key and remember the simple equation, calories in versus calories out is equal to weight gain or loss.

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You’re Missing the Mark

Your back is made up of four main muscles, the upper consists of the rhomboids and trapezius, the middle is the lattissimus dorsi, and the lower is the erector spinae. Spot reducing is not possible, so it’s important to focus on muscles that also surround your back so you are well rounded and proportioned.

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You’re not fueling up

If you don’t fuel your body efficiently, how do you expect to feel good and have the energy to be able to work out? Sugar, processed foods, and refined carbs, will only slow your body down and provide you with little nutrition value.  It’s important to get in the right nutrients and daily value of adequate vitamins, minerals, and nutritious foods.

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You’re stressed

We often hear how stressful life and work are. The fact is that stress hormones slow down your body’s ability to burn fat. It’s safe to say that your mental health is just as important as your physical. Taking daily and weekly breaks to recharge yourself is a must if you expect to see results and maintain them.

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You’re not resting enough

Your body needs time to rest. If you’re worn down, more than likely you won’t be able to get a good workout in and can even risk getting injured. A good six to eight hours of sleep per night is optimal for performing at peak physical and mental capacity.

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You’re Lacking Variation

Variation is the key to results and preventing boredom or burnout. I recommend not getting to that point. I suggest finding a combination of exercises and workout routines that will target your back while also keeping you engaged and motivated to exercise. Switch it up.

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You Need More Water

Consuming water is crucial for recovering muscles and flushing toxins from your body. You never want to limit your intake, especially if your goal is to shed body fat. If you drink more water you may even find yourself eating less and leaning out more. Drink up.

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You’re not pushing hard enough

Being easy on yourself will keep you continually guessing why you can’t lose that “muffin top”. Remember the old saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”? Be patient, but you’re going to need to step your game up. Hire a personal trainer or coach if you need a little extra push.

CJ Falconer